IQ scores are not required to get into college, whether it's a distance school or a regular one. That's the SATs. However, many people want to know their IQ score so they can see how they compare to others when it comes to intelligence. Are they smarter than the average architect? Are they lagging behind? Taking an IQ test and learning your score can tell you more about how your brain works as well as how fast and how well it functions in areas like logic and reasoning.

IQ, which stands for intelligence quotient, is a way of measuring intelligence via a standardized test. The test is only standard in that the people who take the same test can all be scored comparative to one another. There are actually many different types of IQ tests. A company that does counseling will have a different test than the one you took on the internet. The one you take will rank you against the average result for the others who have taken the test.

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When you take an IQ test your score is determined by how you rank among the others who have taken the same test. The mean, or average, is set at 100 and scores are distributed from there. 95% of the population will score between 70 and 130. By scoring above what 98% of the population can achieve, you are eligible for admittance into certain high intelligence societies such as Mensa. You do not have to be a rich person to get a high score, as intelligent people are found in all walks of life. Scoring below 70 is indicative of mental retardation.

Once you've taken a test, you may need some help in determining what your score means. Generally speaking, over 140 is considered genius level while very superior intelligence is 120-139. Superior intelligence is between 110 and 119 while normal intelligence scores are between 90 and 109. Scoring between 80 and 89 indicates dullness while 70-79 is borderline deficient. Under 70 is feeble minded, which indicated that the scorer will never become a specialist. Scores change only slightly with age.

Many scientists criticize the IQ test because it measures only a certain kind of intelligence. It tests abilities like pattern recognition, reasoning, logic, memory, verbal skills, and math, which can indicate whether a person will do well on other standardized tests (like the SAT), how well they will do in school, and whether they will end up with a high powered job or doing management. It does not test a person's creativity or social skills, which can also be significant factors in determining their potential for success in life.

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